Norwood scale is a scale used to identify the stage of hair loss in males, there are seven levels or stages of hair loss in the Norwood Scale. Should you consult with the hair loss experts at GetHair, we can help you to understand what level of hair loss you’re currently experiencing, but it’s still a good idea to understand how far your hair loss has progressed so that you can consider all the treatment options available to you.
In order to understand your hair loss level it is important that you know what Norwood scale is and how to read it.
Table of Contents
Norwood Hair Loss Type 1
This level doesn’t necessarily denote male pattern baldness because most males find that their hairline recedes slightly with age.

Norwood Hair Loss Type 2 ????
If you’re at this level of hair loss, it’s almost certain that you’re experiencing male pattern baldness, however, you may simply be genetically predisposed to temporal recession. If you seek treatment at this early stage, there’s a very good chance that you can regain most of the hair that you’ve lost quite affordably.
Norwood Scale 2 is the best position a person can be in in terms of hair loss level. The satisfaction level of these patients are extremely high post op.
One important point to consider is whether the patient is still experiencing hair loss or not. If the patient is still experiencing hair loss then additional measures should be taken to stop further hair loss.
Norwood 2A: The hairline starts to recede slightly, particularly at the temples. This forms a triangular or wedge-shaped area of hair loss at the temples, but it’s generally still subtle.
Norwood 3 & Norwood 3A ????
A slightly more advanced level of hair loss compared to Norwood 2. Norwood 3 patients are still very good candidates for a hair transplant surgery since the of thin/bald areas are quite small.
In most cases a single hair transplant surgery is enough to cover all the bald areas and provide a good density.
There are 2 further types – 3A, in which the crown thins but doesn’t recede along with the rest of the hairline, and 3 Vertex, which also entails a slight bald spot appearing on the top of the scalp.
Norwood 3A: In this stage, the hairline recedes even more, deepening the M or V pattern. The central hairline may also start to thin. This stage is considered the beginning of significant hair loss.
Norwood 3A Vertex
In this stage, the hairline may still be receding at the temples, similar to the Norwood 3 stage. However, the most noticeable difference is the appearance of hair loss at the crown or vertex of the head. This hair loss at the top of the head is often seen as a small, circular or oval-shaped bald spot. The receding hairline and the bald spot at the crown might not yet be connected, and there may still be a reasonable amount of hair in the mid-scalp area.
Norwood 4 ????
Norwood 4 and 4A are considered as advanced level hair loss. Patients with this level of hair loss are still mostly good candidates for hair transplant surgery, assuming their donor region can supply sufficient amounts of hair grafts and they have realistic exceptions.
Hair loss at the crown becomes more significant, and the bald area at the crown starts to connect with the receding hairline. The band of hair separating the two balding areas becomes thinner and less dense.
Norwood 4A ????
Hair loss at the crown (the top of the head) becomes apparent, in addition to the receding hairline. However, there is still a band of hair that separates the two balding areas.
Norwood 5 ????
Type 5 and Type 5A are a continuation of the hair loss described above. At this stage the hairline has receded extremely or has completely disappeared.
The thin band of hair separating the bald areas at the crown and hairline becomes thinner and less dense. The overall shape of the remaining hair starts to resemble a U shape.
There is also be a noticeable bald spot or extensive thinning appearing on the top of the scalp.
Men having Norwood 5 and 5A level hair loss might still be acceptable candidates for a hair transplant operation providing they have a strong donor region and realistic expectations.
Norwood 5A ????
At this stage, the bald areas at the crown and hairline become larger and they start to merge. However, a thin/very thin band of hair still separates the two areas. The remaining hair in the mid-scalp region is thinner and less dense compared to earlier stages we discussed in this article.
Norwood 6 ????
Men with Norwood 6 level hair loss have no hairline and a prominent bald spot, with the hair on the sides of the scalp still remaining fairly high.
Regrettably, individuals with Norwood 6 hair loss are not typically considered suitable candidates for a hair transplant. Our team of doctors, as well as other reputable medical professionals, will decline Norwood 6 patients who wish to have a completely full head of hair.
However, if the patient is content with only restoring their hairline and top sections, a hair transplant may be an option. It is important to note that achieving a very dense result even in these cases is unlikely, and we want our patients to be fully informed and aware of this possibility.
As responsible professionals, we strive to provide honest and transparent advice to our patients and general public.
Norwood 7 ????
Norwood 7 is the most severe stage of hair loss. At this stage the person has no hairline and in most cases no hair on the top and crown region of the head. The hair on the sides of the scalp will have mostly disappeared, leaving only a wreath around the sides.
Men with Norwood 7 hair loss level are not considered as a suitable candidate for hair transplant surgery.
As one of the top hair transplant provider – all treatments are performed in Istanbul,Turkey by our surgeons with more than 20 years’ of hair transplant experience – we can help you understand the level of baldness that you’ve progressed to and advise you of the options you have available. Get in touch today to learn more about hair transplant surgery options available to you including FUE, FUT and FUT+FUE combined.
Norwood Scale Hair Transplant Suitability Table
Scale | Hair Transplant Suitability | Preferred Hair transplant method | Second surgery required |
Norwood 1 | Not required | NA | NA |
Norwood 2 | Yes | FUE | Normally no |
Norwood 2A | Yes | FUE | Normally no |
Norwood 3 | Yes | FUE | Normally no |
Norwood 3A | Yes | FUE | Normally no |
Norwood 3 Vertex | Yes | FUE | Normally no |
Norwood 4 | Yes | FUE | Some cases yes |
Norwood 4 A | Yes | FUE | Some cases yes |
Norwood 5 | Yes | FUE or FUT+FUE combined | Usually yes, assuming that donor region can supply grafts for the second surgery |
Norwood 5 A | Yes | FUT+FUE combined or FUE | Yes, assuming that donor region can supply grafts for the second surgery |
Norwood 6 | Case by case evaluation required | FUT+FUE combined or FUT | Yes, assuming that donor region can supply grafts for the second surgery |
Norwood 7 | No | NA | NA |