10 Questions To ask before
you commit to a hair transplant surgery
The 10 questions to ask before you commit to a hair transplant surgery below won’t only save you money, but they will also help your hair transplant experience be smoother, without glitches and definitely with less headache. The road to a successful hair transplant operation starts with asking the right questions and finding transparent answers to them.
I’m sure you are aware that hair transplant procedures have become very popular since the introduction of FUE to the market. Bear in mind, many doctors and businessmen are also aware of this too. Consequently, with little financial investment, doctors try their luck by opening a hair transplant clinic, even if they have no relevant qualifications.
As human beings, we love saving money, and would very much like to spend as little as possible from our pockets. Whilst this is the reality, many newly opened clinics offer the lowest prices they can afford, just for the sake of getting more clients through the door. Understandably, keeping the cost at a bare minimum comes with compromises, which, as the most important side of the equation, you as a patient have to bear the repercussions.
If a hair transplant procedure was an automated process, performed by several machines with minimum human involvement, low cost wouldn’t have to be an issue. In direct contradiction, it could create fair competition and clinics would not have to look for ways to lower their per unit cost.
Dr. Tayfun Oğuzoğlu Tweet
However, this is not the case. A hair transplant operation solely relies on the experience of the surgeon and his/her team due to it being performed manually. This involves thousands of tiny incisions perfectly made by hand with meticulous attention, one at a time, and also holding your valuable hair follicles delicately without squeezing them too much so they stay alive after the procedure.
Bearing in mind that your donor region is a limited source, who wouldn’t want to get this surgery performed correctly?
Here are the 10 crucial questions to ask your hair transplant clinic before you commit. Let’s make them sweat;
Question 1
Will Be There A Doctor Present Who Will Actively Participate In My Procedure?
Did you know that many clinics still operate without a doctor? A cheap quote is one way to set the alarm bells ringing, so it’s crucial that you ask directly if there will be a doctor actively participating in your operation and if so what exact role will they play.
But also realise that hair transplantation is a team effort. Many clinics claim that they perform 5 or more procedures a day.
As a human being, a participating doctor cannot perform more than two procedures a day, as this is physically not possible. Asking the number of patients they operate on a daily basis would also give you an understanding on what you’re dealing with.
In order to keep the cost low, some so-called clinics rent flats in apartment blocks and perform the surgery in bedrooms. Initially, this may not sound very bad, but if you have local anaesthesia in your body, you would want to be inside of a fully equipped hospital in case of any complications or if urgent care is required.

Question 2
Does My Doctor Have The Appropriate Qualifications To Preform Hair Transplant Surgery?
Question 3
Do You Have Hospital Privileges To Perform The Procedure
Being in a hospital will give you a great peace of mind in case things go south and you need urgent care. Make sure that your procedure will take place at a fully equipped hospital, not in a residential flat. In Turkey, it is illegal to operate at a residential premise, and you may have an unpleasant experience with a police encounter.

Question 4
Am I Good Candidate For a Hair Transplant Procedure?
Question 5
Will I Require Further Operations In The Future?

Question 6
Do You Speak My Native Language At The Clinic
Whilst doing your own research, it is essential to know whether the staff that is taking care of you speak your language or not. Your doctor and his/her staff are the key personnel in your procedure to answer all your last minute questions, and also inform you about every phase throughout your procedure.
Speaking the same language is a must so there are no misunderstandings, especially when you are having surgery. At GetHair, we speak English, Italian, and Spanish fluently.
Question 7
Do You Have Genuine And Unbiased Patient Testimonials

Question 8
What Kind Of Results Can I Expect To Achieve?
Question 9
What Are My Options If I’m Not Entirely Satisfied With The Outcome Of My Hair transplant Operation

There is no such thing as “enough research”. You should not let the clinics convince you until you are completely satisfied. This is your life and you have full right to choose the best for yourself. Doing your due diligence and finding satisfactory statistics about the clinic you are considering is key in making the right decision.
Ask Yourself;
- Why should you choose this clinic?
- What is it that makes this clinic better than the others for you?
- Is it because you can only afford their prices or are they good enough to deliver the result you are after?