Simple 5×5 training guide

Introduction For individuals who have never trained using weights before the prospect of starting can be quite intimidating. Not knowing what exercises to do for what muscle group or not knowing how long to train and how often are common reasons why people will never even start. This guide provides gym exercises for beginners and […]
Vegetarian Fuel

A growing number of athletes at all levels of sport are now vegetarian and therefore rely on a diet consisting mainly of plant sources. Due to the effort and commitment and nutrition requirements required for training athletes often encounter difficulty in selecting appropriate and nutritious meals from these plant sources if they do not want […]

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_wp_text]When it comes to losing body fat, particularly from the troublesome and stubborn areas such as your belly, cardio sessions along with a calorie controlled diet are the most effective way of doing this, and more importantly stopping the fat from coming back! HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) vs LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) are […]
5 men’s hairstyles to try in 2017

Trends come and go, but a well-suited haircut can live on. Choose a cut and style that suits and you won’t be embarrassed when relatives are browsing photos of you from way back in 2017. Explore five men’s hairstyles to try in 2017 and start planning your next trip to the barber shop. Not confident […]