Simple 5×5 training guide

Introduction For individuals who have never trained using weights before the prospect of starting can be quite intimidating. Not knowing what exercises to do for what muscle group or not knowing how long to train and how often are common reasons why people will never even start. This guide provides gym exercises for beginners and […]
How to have strong quads

Quadriceps are large muscles that make up the front of your thigh. Quads are muscles which contract together to help lift and extend the knee. They are one of the largest muscle groups in your body due to the fact that they’re working all day to carry your entire body weight around. This means in […]

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_wp_text]When it comes to losing body fat, particularly from the troublesome and stubborn areas such as your belly, cardio sessions along with a calorie controlled diet are the most effective way of doing this, and more importantly stopping the fat from coming back! HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) vs LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) are […]
5 ways that even the busiest professionals can keep fit

With demanding jobs and busy lifestyles, sometimes our physical fitness can fall by the wayside. Getting into shape (and staying that way) isn’t a full time job! There are plenty of ways even the busiest modern entrepreneur can keep fit! Pick an efficient workout Cut unnecessary preparation time! Pick an exercise that doesn’t take too […]