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Which part of the head is considered as the donor area?

In hair transplantation procedures, the donor area refers to the region of the scalp from which healthy hair follicles are harvested for transplantation. Typically, this area is located at the back of the head, between the two ears. This region is chosen as the donor site for several reasons:

  1. Resistance to Balding: Hair follicles in this area are generally resistant to the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which is a primary cause of male pattern baldness. This resistance means that hair from this area is less likely to fall out after being transplanted to another part of the scalp.
  2. Abundance and Quality of Hair: The hair at the back of the head is often denser and of better quality compared to other areas. This makes it ideal for harvesting follicles that will continue to grow and thrive once transplanted.
  3. Cosmetic Discretion: The back of the head provides a discrete area for follicle extraction. Even after removing follicles, the remaining hair can easily cover and hide the donor site, minimizing any visible signs of the procedure.
  4. Healing and Scar Formation: This area of the scalp tends to heal well after follicle extraction, with minimal scarring. Modern techniques like FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) further reduce visible scarring.

In some cases, where additional density is required or the hair at the back of the head is not suitable, body hair transplantation (BHT) may be used. This involves harvesting hair follicles from other parts of the body, such as the chest or beard. However, BHT is less common and typically considered only when scalp donor hair is insufficient.

Overall, the area between the ears at the back of the neck is considered the ideal donor area due to its unique characteristics that favour successful hair transplantation.

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