Our Blog

Why ALL Men Should Train Their Legs
If you’ve ever said the words “I don’t train my legs because I run/cycle/play football” then you’re missing out on some serious strength, physique and

Veganism – Could It Pose A Threat To Your Hair?
As people become more interested in healthier lifestyles many are turning to options like becoming vegetarian or vegan. There’s certainly a lot to recommend

The Best Hair Loss Shampoos With Ketoconazole
The best types of hair loss shampoos with Ketoconazole for long term use recommended by experts are those that are free of sulphates like SLS

The Difference Between Activity, Exercise and Training
We all know we should move our bodies. We know this instinctively – how often have you felt stiff after sitting in a certain position

1000’s of British Men Travel to Turkey for Hair Transplants – Find out Why
Here’s Why Turkey is the Go-To Venue For Hair Transplant Surgery Since the dawn of time until recently, men have been victim to male pattern

Fitness Motivation – How to Develop It
Developing Fitness Motivation One of the most common misconceptions about ‘fit’ people is that they are motivated to exercise all of the time. The truth
How to Save Money on Gym Membership
My name is Steve Hoyles. I’m a fitness blogger at hoylesfitness.com. I’ve spent over a decade in the fitness industry with 8 of those years

Telogen Effluvium – Temporary Hair Loss Beyond The Norm
Many things can cause unnatural hair loss but genetics, illness, diet and lifestyle, are primary culprits. There are also different types of hair loss. Hair

Tell Me About Your Job…. The Football Coach
This is the first in an unofficial series on interesting jobs – essentially we are going to interview people about their job. The purpose is

The Ultimate Hair Styling Product Guide For Men
Wander down the hair care aisle of the shop and you’ll see a huge array of hair styling products for sale. The big questions are

Men’s Hairstyles 2018 – How Guys Are Wearing Their Hair This Year
If you’ve been wondering what to do with all the new hair you’re sporting courtesy of your GetHair hair transplant, we’ve provided a few ideas

An Eye Level View Of Cappadocia From The Back Of A Horse
If you’re a horse lover and enjoy nothing more than hopping on a good horse and heading off into the wide blue yonder or a